Rätt Lätt 2 - Illustrations Tina Landgren / Layout Karin Backlund
make the new book in the serie
look pleasing to older children
Rättighetsfokus (www.rattighetsfokus.se)
A competence company within human rights and aims to increase people's understanding and knowledge of human rights in everyday life and daily work of various businesses. Rättighetsfokus produces handbooks and children's books that in a simple and practical way concretize different rights in everyday life.
As a follow up to the first book “Rätt Lät 1” a number two in the book serie “Rätt Lätt” will be published. Compared to the first book, this book is addressed to older children, in the age of 7-12 years old. The book is about children’s rights in everyday life and comes with open questions which the child can work further on with in classroom or at home, to gain more insights in the subject. The purpose is to provide increased knowledge of children’s rights in school, home and society regarding to the U.N convention of the rights of the children. The layout for the books should be similar to the first books in the serie “Rätt Lätt 1”, but be more directed to older children with the purpose to use the book both in schools as teaching material or at home for reading.
My work:
- Layout
- Typography
- Sending to print
- Contact with printing house
The team:
Susann Swärd
Tina Landgren
Karin Backlund
Time frame:
”the layout should be useful for teachers at schools, so they can use the book for teaching.“
LAYOUT OF RÄTT LÄTT 1, SOMALI - llustrations: Tina Landgren / Layout: Karin Backlund
the idea:
The basic idea is to change the font in the body text to adapt its design better to the target group, to not make the book look too childish as the first book do. Since the text is very informative it is structured into learning points to easier read, understand and remember. Important sentences are bolded after request from the author. Every page ends with a box of questions in the lower part of the side where they are easy to see but not taking focus away from the main text. If the reader wants to learn more about the subject he/she can find from which paragraph in the U.N Conventions of the right of children the text refers to. This is to be find at the end of the page, where you normally find the site page.
The work:
The layout work involved everything from typography and text layout to sending the files to print.
The Design:
The chosen font is a linear font with the lowercase ‘a’ written as children write it themsleves – with a round belly and short line at the back. The font for headlines are also linear but closer design to the headlines in the first boo. This to get the connection between the books in the serie. To adapt the second book to older children the text is not longer in capital letters. Instead of using different colour for the headlines, as in the first book, only dark blue is used in “Rätt Lätt 2”. This is also to make the book more pleasing for older children. It is the same blue colour from the cover as you find in the headlines as well in the question part and paragraph references.
Every section has questions for the children to work with. These questions are placed in the same place over all page, in the end surrounding by a spotted blue frame. The spots can also been seen in the first book, “Rätt Lätt 1” when translated into Somali and Arabic. To frame the questions make them easy to spot and the reader understand that they don’t belong to the body text.
LAYOUT OF RÄTT LÄTT 2 with text, questions and referens to paragraphs at the Convention of the rights of the children
Response from client:
" It was so right that it was you Karin that got the job for doing the layout for this book,
because you have a great talent and eye for these kind of work.
The book looks really pretty and nice – it got so good! "
- Susann Swärd, author and Operation Manager of Rättighetsfokus
RÄTT LÄTT 2 – published in 2017