Rätt Lätt 1 -Illustrations Tina Landgren / Layout Karin Backlund
layouting educational children’s books
– Somali & arabic/Swedish
Rättighetsfokus (www.rattighetsfokus.se)
A competence company within human rights and aims to increase people's understanding and knowledge of human rights in everyday life and daily work of various businesses. Rättighetsfokus produces handbooks and children's books that in a simple and practical way concretize different rights in everyday life.
The first book “Rätt Lätt 1” was published at 2015 in Swedish. It is a book for children in ages 1-6 years old with the purposes to tell children (and adults) about the child's rights and their responsibility for each other's rights, while also stimulating their curiosity and discussion. The book now needed to be updated for a reprint and be published in two new languages – Somali and Arabic, but still with the Swedish text inside. Make one book with two languages on the same page; Somali/Swedish and Arabic/Swedish.
The layout for the book must be similar to the first printed edition. The Somali and Arabic translations need to be in both the translated languages as well as in Swedish – but still easy to understand and read. In addition the Arabic book should be in reading direction right to left.
My work:
- Layout
- Reviewing reading
- Sending to print
- Contact with printing house
The team:
Susann Swärd
Tina Landgren
Karin Backlund
Time frame:
"Make it easy and simple for children to understand"
LAYOUT OF RÄTT LÄTT 1, SOMALI - llustrations: Tina Landgren / Layout: Karin Backlund
the idea:
Using the same basic design and typography from the first Swedish edition with just small updates for the two new books in Somali and Arabic will make all three books belonging together, even when the Swedish edition needs a reprint. By placing the Swedish translation in a separate part at the end of the pages makes it easy to read the same texts, in two languages, separately or to us as a translation. The challenge is the Arabic text that has the reading direction right to left and the Swedish has left to right. The book follows the layout for the Arabic language and starts from the “backside”.
The work:
The layout work involved everything from typography and text layout to sending the files to print.
The Design:
The layout is meant to be simple but with a childish and playful tone. Two different linear fonts are used, one thinner for the body text and one more creative, used as anfang as well as for the the page’s question, that is made for further discussions. The headline, anfang and question also have a colour matching the illustrations, four different colours are used in total. All to make it more suitable for young children. The same reason why all text is written in capital letters. The same designed is used in all three books of “Rätt Lätt 1” but the Arabic book differs in some part due to the Arabic letters.
The Swedish translation is placed below, separated with a dotted line. These dots connects the book to the second book “Rätt Lätt 2”, where doted frames are used. The Swedish translated text is written in a smaller grade to not take focus from the main body text but with the same design and layout.
LAYOUT OF RÄTT LÄTT ,1 SOMALI - llustrations: Tina Landgren / Layout: Karin Backlund
Response from client:
" Thank you so much for your great work!
The books arrived today from the printing – they looks awesome! I am so happy, thank you for your help. "
- Susann Swärd, author and Operation Manager of Rättighetsfokus
RÄTT LÄTT 1, SOMALI, SWEDISH & ARABIC, Published in 2018 – Illustration Tina Landgren / Layout Karin Backlund